Eastside Child Abuse Prevention Council

The Eastside Child Abuse Prevention Council (Eastside) is a community council whose primary purpose is to coordinate efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse and increase the awareness of the Protective Factors in the community. The Eastside has provided support through: Coordination of services, training among local disciplines, awareness of child abuse issues, as well as advocacy and resource development. Eastside is a voluntary group of professionals and community members who are concerned with child abuse and formed with the intention of raising awareness of child abuse and neglect in community based organizations in the Los Angeles County Eastside area. By providing educational trainings for mandated reporters and resources on alternative methods of discipline, we are able to slow the vicious cycle of child abuse.

Eastside has a history of providing and/or supporting trainings, workshops, and conferences in the East San Gabriel Valley area for professionals, community members, and parents all with an emphasis on the Protective Factors and child abuse prevention. Eastside also promotes the Protective Factors through their annual children’s art contest with the artwork theme representing various social emotional strength based concepts such as cooperation, role models, happiness, and hope.

Eastside meets every month at SPIRITT Family Services (2000 Tyler Ave South El Monte CA 91733). Dates and times are subject to change based on the group’s availability. Please contact a Co-Chair to confirm meeting time.

In order to have a balanced membership, the council encourages participation from many different groups of people that are interested in the welfare of children, especially: Public child welfare services, criminal justice organizations, prevention and treatment services, health care providers, community based and faith based organizations, as well as parents and consumers of services and community representatives. If you are interested in joining please contact one of the Co-Chairs.


Contact Information

Chair: Cristal Divas cristald@spiritt.org
