Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect (ICAN)
ICAN’s mission is to improve the lives of children and families at-risk and those served by the Child Welfare and Protection systems through inter-disciplinary collaboration, program development, accountability and advocacy.
ICAN was established by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in 1977 to serve as the official county body to coordinate the multi-agency development of services for the prevention, identification, prosecution and treatment of child abuse and neglect.
ICAN’s work falls into one or more of the following categories:
- Child Safety and Protection
- Child Welfare and Wellbeing
- Multi-Agency Collaboration and Information Sharing
ICAN, in conjunction with ICAN Associates, a non-profit 5013(c), accomplishes this work through Committees, Sponsored Events and Annual Reports. ICAN brings together representatives from various government agencies and non-government organizations (NGOs) to share information, build relationships and identify issues. By doing so, ICAN facilitates problem solving and the development of solutions to improve services to families and children in Los Angeles County. This effort, among many other things, has resulted in State-wide legislative changes, implementation of an electronic information sharing database and one-of-a-kind, comprehensive annual reports.
Projects & Trainings
ICAN Committee Meetings
Policy meeting, Operations Committee, Child Death Review Team, Child Adolescent Suicide Review Team, Child Sexual Exploitation Committee (CSEC), Cyber Crime Prevention Task Force, Expecting and Parenting Youth (formally Pregnant and Parenting Teens), Child Abduction Task Force, Data/Information Sharing Committee, Guide to Effective Response to Domestic Abuse (GERDA), Family and Children’s Index (FCI), AB1733/2994 Planning, and Training Priority Meeting. Most of these Committees meet monthly while some meet on a quarterly basis or less.
All ICAN Policy and Operations Committee meetings are open to the public. All interested professionals and community volunteers are encouraged to attend and participate. The Operations meetings are held monthly at the Hall of Administration and Policy is held on annual basis. The Policy meeting is preceded by a media release and includes the release of ICAN’s three major reports which are listed below.
ICAN Sponsored Events
Nexus Training Conference “Violence in the Home and Its Effects on Children”
Grief and Traumatic Loss Conference
Cyber Crime Symposium
Child Sexual Exploitation Victim Services Symposium
Maclaren Children’s Center Holiday Party
Children’s Poster Art Contest
Safe Sleeping for Infants Campaign
ICAN Reports
Safely Surrendered Baby Law report
State of Child Abuse in Los Angeles County
Multi-Agency Child Death Review Team report
Council Meetings
For more information about ICAN’s meetings, sponsored events, and reports please visit the ICAN website at
Additional Information
ICAN is housed at MacLaren Children’s Center in El Monte. ICAN Associates is a private non-profit corporation of volunteer business and community members who raise funds and public awareness for programs and issues identified by ICAN.
In 1996, ICAN was designated as the National Center for Child Fatality Review. ICAN has also received national recognition as a model for inter-agency coordination for the protection of children.
Contact Information
Contact Number: (626) 455-4585