End Abuse Long Beach Monthly Meeting
Kathryn Miles: president@endabuselb.org 2nd Thursday of every month. 8:45am - 10am Zoom: Meeting Link Meeting ID: 994 1943 3159 Passcode: endabuse
Please see the calendar below for information regarding trainings, activities and events hosted by the Community Child Abuse Councils.
Kathryn Miles: president@endabuselb.org 2nd Thursday of every month. 8:45am - 10am Zoom: Meeting Link Meeting ID: 994 1943 3159 Passcode: endabuse
Every Month on the Fourth Friday - 10am - 1pm LAC-Family, Children, Community Advisory Council (LAC-FCCAC) Sandra Guine - sjguine@lacfccac.org; sjguine@gmail.com 4th Friday Zoom: Meeting Link Meeting ID: 878 9258
Every Month on the Fourth Monday - 10am - 11am Asian Pacific Islander - Children, Youth, and Family Council (API-CYFC) Nayon Kang: nkang@kyccla.org; Jackie Ango: jango@cscla.org Zoom: Meeting Link
Every Month on the Fourth Tuesday Cristal Divas: cristald@spiritt.org 4th Tuesday 3-4pm Zoom: Meeting Link Meeting ID: 697 199 6350
1st Wednesday of every month. 10am - 12pm In-Person - Zev Yaroslavsky Family Support Center (7555 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91405) Deborah Davies: ddavies@elnidofamilycenters.org
Kathryn Miles: president@endabuselb.org 2nd Thursday of every month. 8:45am - 10am Zoom: Meeting Link Meeting ID: 994 1943 3159 Passcode: endabuse
Every Month on the Fourth Monday - 10am - 11am Asian Pacific Islander - Children, Youth, and Family Council (API-CYFC) Nayon Kang: nkang@kyccla.org; Jackie Ango: jango@cscla.org Zoom: Meeting Link
Every Month on the Fourth Tuesday Cristal Divas: cristald@spiritt.org 4th Tuesday 3-4pm Zoom: Meeting Link Meeting ID: 697 199 6350
Every Month on the Fourth Friday - 10am - 1pm LAC-Family, Children, Community Advisory Council (LAC-FCCAC) Sandra Guine - sjguine@lacfccac.org; sjguine@gmail.com 4th Friday Zoom: Meeting Link Meeting ID: 878 9258 4763 Password: 0UN1vA
1st Wednesday of every month. 10am - 12pm In-Person - Zev Yaroslavsky Family Support Center (7555 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91405) Deborah Davies: ddavies@elnidofamilycenters.org
Kathryn Miles: president@endabuselb.org 2nd Thursday of every month. 8:45am - 10am Zoom: Meeting Link Meeting ID: 994 1943 3159 Passcode: endabuse
The Child Abuse Council Chairs’ Meetings are generally held on the 3rd Monday of each month from 12:30pm-2:30pm. Please contact the Council Coordinator, Sara La Croix, at saralacroix@all4kids.org for more information.